Know about Charges involved Personal Loans

Personal loan is always said as an easy way to fulfill your short term money requirement. But from last one year Banks were not focusing on Personal Loan in the way they are doing this year. Things like a pre-approved loan or a loan on credit card are easily available for customers, with attractive rate of interests.
There is ongoing and growing demand of personal loans, this is because it is easily available at the time of crisis.
It does not mean that you should pay higher rate of interest when more affordable rates are available. In fact, it is your responsibility to research the latest interest rates being offered by various banks and opt for the best or at least a good deal that best fulfills your need.
Few things to be borne in mind while choosing a good deal for Personal loan:
1) Rate of interest (ROI): The personal loan interest rates varies from 14% to 30%.The rate of interest depends upon customer profile and it varies from bank to bank. Basic factors that determine rate of interest are customer's net income, age, residential status, age, marital status, work experience and so on and so forth.
2) Fee & Charges: Each loan disbursed by Bank, bears few charges which are to be paid by the applicant. Even at the time of prepayment one needs to pay an extra sum along with the outstanding amount.
a) Loan Processing Charges: When the loan is sanctioned at that instant itself, a percentage of the loan amount is charged by the bank which is called processing fee. This fee varies across banks.
b) Prepayment Charges: If you wish to close your loan before the tenure of the loan is completed, then an extra charge is levied on the outstanding amount by the bank which is known as prepayment charges.
So, do keep the above mentioned terms/charges in mind before applying for a Personal Loan from any Bank. Always follow the thumb-rule of Compare & Choose to get the best deal. We at are at your disposal to help you choose and compare to get the best deal; not just the best deal in the market but also the best deal specific to your requirements.


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